Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mandela: " We can make a difference" - With ubuntu

umntu ngumntu ngabanye

= a person is a person through others

We have just seen another interesting (management) concept in class: The South African concept of ubuntu. I do not want to call it a management model, because I feel like it is a lot more than that. It is a concept of life, of shared values and understandings within the South African society (that had already suffered a lot in the past)!

 Ubuntu is a Zulu word for something like humaneness, and that is also what it is based on. It is the "spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness" as the text read in class states. Ubuntu means, that individuals only become important in the relation with others, no matter where these "others" come from. But, who could possibly express the meaning of ubuntu better than the "icon of freedom" Nelson Mandela himself:

In the following, I will explain the main aspects regarding companies who are trying to do business in South Africa.
It is inevitable to understand the concept of ubuntu, when launching a business in South Africa. Therefore, the overall perspective has to be its emphasis on the comunity and the importance of the relationship with the others: "A person is a person through others." Once you've got this, the concept is not to hard to understand.

Companies mainly need to understand:

1. Relationship with others
This includes kinship ties which should be taken in consideration in varios aspects (work environment, hiring etc.) but also the notion of teamwork. Under the concept of ubuntu, teamwork will probably achieve better outcomes if left alone by western managers, because ubunttu already includes synergies, as to say a "creation of the whole that is larger than the sum of the individual parts"

2. The need for communication and language
"Comunication is to the organization as blood is to the body." Even though this statement should be true also for western organization  it is not yet comparable to South Africa. It also includes an open environment for the people to communicate non-job-related subjects within the working environment or even asks for comany-hold events to socialize. Although a lot of western companies (see statement of P. Drucker) have already realized the fact, that satisfied workers do better jobs (and even  invite to company events) their main dogma still is efficiency in financial outcome which mostly includes oppressive working environments for them.

The aim is to achieve satisfaction for both company AND people. This leads us to the next point

3. Decision Making on basis of consensus
The only way to get support for a decision or change within a South African company is the way of consensus, even though it might take a while. Therefore, not only the BEST decision is taken but the one with most support.

4. Time
"God gave the African time, and the Western a watch." There is not a lot left to say. Time for South African is something highly valued, to be treated with respect and spent wisely. Westerns on the other hand have a saying: Time is money!!!

5. Productivity vs. efficiency
Whilst Western reduce workforce in order to be more efficient (outcome on products compared to invested money) ubuntu strives for a different outcome: the employees well being!!

6. Age and senority in Leadership and Beliefsystems
Age is considered to be good indicator for leadership skills in ubuntu. People trust the elderly and are willing to fulfill their tasks more likeli.
Another aspects is the varios belief systems, which should be taken into account when launching in South Africa. Don't underestimate their importance.

The text in the class' reader is giving explicit guidelines how to deal with the ubuntu concept. I would rather comment on the whole concept of ubuntu than recite these guidelines.

In my opinion, ubuntu is a great way to see the world. Although I would not agree with all of ubuntus dimensions most of them are great. For example the concept of unity: We rather accept lesser salaries than loose some of our co-workers. I really like the emphasis ubuntu takes on humanity and humaneness. We, the westerners, are always to busy with ourselves to look out for others. Germany already ranks high in individualism and masculinity in Hofstedes dimensions and all the Colombia is considered to be a collectivist country it scores high is masculinty, which implies high competitivness. Although competitivness might be a driver for progress we should never forget our surroundings. And I am not only referring to other human beings or countries but also to nature etc. I think, the concept of humaness as ubuntu proclaims should be told in other parts of the world to.
I cannot really agree to the importance of kinship ties in working environments. Even though it might work in South Africa and is a highly valued issue over there I would not start to implement that f.e. in Europe. I also have a critical opinion on the selection of leaders by senority rather than by qualification.
But the concepts of communication and decision making could also attribute value to western company out of the South African sphere, even though this value might not have a financial output from the very beginning. At least we could learn from ubuntu to pay more attention to the well-being of employees. We all have just one life, at least that's what I believe, so let us not spent it with complains, worries and anger :)

There is another very interesting video about Ubuntu, that you can look at if you are interested. They are presenting a lot of problems South Africa is facing nowadays and show the programm to "teach" ubuntu in South Africa and develop leadership and business skills in South Africa:

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